
Formal proposals for changes to the code, new libraries, etc.

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A library that provides commonly used numerical representations. All of these are derived from number so they are all serializable and are all stringifiable in the same way.

Provides pre-sized types similar to those from stdint.h:


Aliases: varnum, vlq

Represents variably sized quantities such as:


Note that sign, inherited from number, effectively does nothing in this struct. TODO: It may not be available or it may reflect the existence of a sign bit in format.

Pre-defined forms

varint leb128 {
    format: cnnnnnnn
    endian: little
    transform: signed

varint uleb128 {
    format: cnnnnnnn
    endian: little

Other examples

varint UnrealSignedVLQ {
    format {
        first: csnnnnnn
        other: cnnnnnnn
    endian: big

varint GoogleProtobuf {
    format: cnnnnnnn
    endian: little
    transform: zigzag

varint GitVLQ {
    format: cnnnnnnn
    # TODO: endian
    transform: math("n + (1 << (k - 7))")


Represents a lossless floating point number by storing the numerator and denominator as separate bigints.

The basic value is the float value, which may be lossy depending on implementation.



Alias: iec559

Represents IEEE 754 standard floating point numbers.

The basic value is the floating point value, ideally represented in memory in the same level of precision as requested.


Special note that sign does not refer to the IEEE 754 sign bit. Rather, it is always signed. Additionally, the sign bit is always a size of 1.

Pre-defined forms

TODO: binary16, binary32, binary64, binary128, binary256, decimal32, decimal64, decimal128


TODO: what is this/is it actually useful